University of Alabama basketball player Darius Miles charged with murder of woman

Tuscaloosa law enforcement announced on Monday that University of Alabama basketball player Darius Miles, 21, has been arrested and charged with murder in connection with a shooting near the campus Sunday, which left a 23-year-old woman dead.
Six people killed in suspected drug-related ‘massacre’ in California

California authorities confirm that on Monday six people were shot to death in a suspected drug-related “massacre” that included a 17-year-old mother and her 6-month-old baby. The shooting took place in a residential area of Goshen, located
Former ‘American Idol’ semifinalist CJ Harris dies suddenly at 31

Former “American Idol” semifinalist CJ Harris, who appeared on Season 13, has died suddenly at 31. Harris reportedly had a heart attack in his hometown of Jasper, Alabama, on Sunday, sources told TMZ. He passed away after being
Former ‘American Idol’ semifinalist CJ Harris dies suddenly at 31

Former “American Idol” semifinalist CJ Harris, who appeared on Season 13, has died suddenly at 31. Harris reportedly had a heart attack in his hometown of Jasper, Alabama, on Sunday, sources told TMZ. He passed away after being
Legendary Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida dies at age 95

Gina Lollobrigida, the Italian actress from the 1950s who starred in films including “Fanfan la Tulipe,” “Beat the Devil,” “Trapeze” and “Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell,” has died at age 95. According to Italian news agency Lapresse, Lollobrigida died
Paramore share their latest song “C’est Comme Ça”

Paramore have released their new song “C’est Comme Ça,” taken from their forthcoming album, “This Is Why” set to drop on February 10th. The title translates literally from French as “it’s like that” but is more akin to