Suzanne talks with The Plummer Brothers, Carlos and Kyle, local filmmakers born and raised in Cambria. We’ve been following them for a few years with various projects under their production company Superimage, LTD in the SLO Film Fest Youth and Central Coast Filmmakers Showcases. Their documentary film on local Magician, Mentalist and YouTuber Rich Ferguson, ‘Becoming Rich’, was in premiered in this year’s SLO Film Fest at The Fremont with Dina Mande’s ‘Tin City’ film.
Carlos just graduated high school and is flying off to college this weekend. Kyle just graduated college and is back on the Central Coast. They’re looking to get this great film into various film fests around the world and are looking for community support in an Indie GoGo campiagn to raise funds for the high costs of sumbitting to such a wide variety of festivals.
Becoming Rich Film – Carlos Plummer (Director), and Kyle Plummer (Editor) Click here to find out more and donate to support these awesome kids!